Give a Gift – Lifesaving Nutrition for a Malnourished Child
Make a difference
$60 – provides nutrition for a child for 1 month
$120 – provides nutrition for a child for 2 months
$720 – provides nutrition to bring 3 children back to health
About this Gift
Imagine being a mother of a young child with no money to buy food for him. Your child is losing weight and sickly. Your child is wasting away and you are worried he will die. Due to the extreme poverty in Haiti, it is estimated that 1 in 5 children is malnourished, and this number is increasing due to food insecurity caused by the unrest. Malnutrition in babies and young children can cause lifelong health problems and even death. When PID's field staff encounters a malnourished child, we provide nutritional supplements in the form of high calorie, vitamin packed peanut butter based cookies. For babies without breastfeeding mothers, we provide formula. We monitor the weight and growth of malnourished babies and children regularly and provide these supplements until the child reaches a healthy weight, giving these children the chance to grow up and live a healthy life.